This resource page provides information on how to buy the PS5 console. Now released, but out-of-stock currently at most / all retailers, the price is $499 / £449 for the popular disc version.
Where can you get it? The console is currently sold for high sums by users on eBay who were lucky enough to secure their order, and now looking to make money via a re-sell, sadly at a high price.
The best solution is to keep checking with all retailers, seeing if the console is available, and when it is securing your order – and also putting your in email for alerts with each retailer.
The best PS5 console deals will be displayed here as soon as they become available – meanwhile you can check below with some retailers we’ve listed.
Check The Stock Levels at the below retailers:
The following retailers are expected to have stock in soon, keep checking to up your chances of securing a PS5 console.
- Amazon (USA)
- Amazon (UK)
- Amazon (CA)
- Amazon (DE)
- Amazon (FR)
Other retailers:
- Game (UK)
- Argos (UK)